What you are

Fiind acasă de Paşti, am găsit în sertarul biroului meu vechi primele mele caiete cu versuri. Am râs tare la unele, am rămas destul de uimit la altele. Ce minte naivă aveam, m-aş întoarce în trecut numai să-mi dau două palme peste cap din care n-aş fi înţeles nimic atunci, dar măcar m-aş răcori acum. 😛 Ce urmează să postez face parte din caietele alea.  Atenţie! Conţinut excesiv bloody-horror-romantic! :))

You’re the white foam of the sea,

You’re the biggest side of me…

You’re the night that keeps me worm

You’re my shelter from the storm

You’re the arms that keep me safe

You’re that one thing I won’t waste

You’re the place I go to sleep

You’re the thought that makes me weak

You’re the memory of peace

You’re that day I’ll always miss

You’re te morning, evening star,

You’re so near, yet you’re so far

You’re the master of my mind

You’re the vision when I’m blind

You’re that little place I go,

You’re my sea and you’re my snow

You’re my weapon, you’re my knife,

You’re the „always” in my life

You’re the one for whom I swear

You’re the one for whom I’m there

You’re the one, for you I’d die,

You’re the truth inside this lie.

You’re the pigment of my skin

You’re the heart that beats within

You’re the pulse and you’re the breath

You’re my nightmare’s biggest threat

You’re my cover in the night

You’re on top and you’re so tight

You’re the answer to this mess

You’re the sweetest, frail caress

You’re the deep blue ocean’s calm

You’re a snowflake in my palm

You’re the warm ray of the sun

You’re the moon when days are done

You’re the passion, you’re so hot

You’re the fever in my thought

You’re the name carved in my hand

You’re the one I understand

You’re nostalgy in the rain,

You’re the cause for all this pain

You’re a touch, you are a kiss

I’m the fool who tells you this,

You’re the love that keeps me true,

I’m the biggest side of you.

cel mai probabil toamna 2003

3 răspunsuri to “What you are”

  1. Prolific… curios pentru un nou venit ca mine… acum cat timp se intampla?

  2. Prolific atât cât mă abţin să nu mă etalez, aş da tot de-odată 🙂 Dar nu e fun, aşa că scriu pe porţii. Dacă te referi la Lapsus Calami, se întâmpla acum vreo 2 ani într-o nu-ştiu-care seară. Dacă te referi la articolul de faţă, se întâmpla prin 2003, după cum am scris mai sus…

  3. […] Lapsus Calami Incredibilul Jurnal al Vizitiului Iadului « What you are […]

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